Sourcing free high-quality images for personal and commercial use
Images engage people and add context and decoration to the things we write about. It's important to know how to source these images for personal and commercial use, especially if you want to source these for free.
I recently published a blog post on copyright, so head on over there if you want something a little more in-depth to read.
As for images, I''m going to point you in two places:

These both have their own licenses for their images, but they're also the same. You can use anything for any kind of use for free and without attribution. This means do what you want. Unsplash asks you to consider crediting the artists and give you a button to copy that, but they don't require it if you don't want to. I like to where I can, because I want to thank them for giving us the images.
Personally, I prefer Unsplash; it seems to have more photos that I personally enjoy, and has plugins for a bunch of things, such as Mac wallpapers, Figma and Sketch. Notion also has Unsplash without needing to install a plugin. However, Pexels also do videos, and sometimes have what I'm looking for when Unsplash doesn't.

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